Saturday, December 15, 2007

Australian Federal Election 2007

To look at this election and it's result fairly, requires an open mind and to some extent an alliance with societal feelings and attitudes as they were felt on November 24th, 2007. John Howard and the Liberal Party lost after 11 years of being in power, 11 years of conservative rule which did at worst (it can be argued) transformed the country from a society into an economy while at best provided stability and layed the groundwork for the future of the Australian Country as a whole. Kevin Rudd and the Labor Party won, offering new ideas, new leadership, freshness, creativeness and inventiveness changing the way ordinary people think about and relate to the political system in Australia. I think both sides were credible in what they offered, but inevitably it was the election the Liberal Party was always going to lose, just because of the type of man Kevin Rudd is and the politically savvy way in which he conducted himself and the ALP during the election. He brought back again justice to the famous quip, 'Government of the people, by the people, for the people.'

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